Am I Losing a Normal Amount of Hair?

If you’ve ever worried about losing your hair or going bald, know that you’re not alone. It’s so easy to think up the worst-case scenario when you’re met with large clumps of hair in the shower. What about the hair that ends up in your brush after styling? How normal is it?
Everybody wants to be able to enjoy a thicker head of hair for as long as possible but how do you know whether you’re currently losing hair at an acceptable rate?
Let’s take a closer look.
Hair Loss – What’s Considered Normal?
In a nutshell, it’s normal to lose anywhere from 60 – 100 hairs per day. Depending on the thickness and growth cycle of your hair, in some instances, it’s normal for people to lose up to 150 strands per day.
Hair loss generally occurs during washing, brushing and styling. This means that the hair will be wound up or curled together, making it look like there’s a lot more hair than there really is. What’s more, some older, detached hairs can stay a part of your hairstyle until your wash or brush it again, meaning the hair loss will appear more severe.
If you have straight hair, you are more than likely losing hair throughout the day quite easily, which means hair loss will be minimal during washing. For those with curly hair, detached hairs will mostly remain in place until washing or brushing occurs, which makes the hair loss seem worse.
If you’re like most people, you only wash your hair every two to three days, which means a lot more than just 100 strands are going to appear in the bath or shower.
The Right Time to Worry about Hair Loss
You might want to start thinking twice about hair loss when you notice a significant increase. There are a number of reasons why you might’ve started losing more hair, many of which can be treated.
Overall, if you notice an increase in hair loss, don’t panic. Stress can be one of the biggest triggers of hair loss, so worrying about the issue will only intensify the effects.
So, if stress isn’t the cause of your hair loss, what is? Many deficiencies can eventually lead to hair loss, iron deficiency being one of them.
Medical conditions are another common cause of hair loss. A thyroid problem that causes you to gain or lose a significant amount of weight can lead to significant weight loss. There are also a number of medications that cause hair loss, such as those used to treat anxiety and depression.
If you feel that a health concern or medication might be the cause of your hair loss, it’s best to schedule an appointment with a doctor. By running a few blood tests, you can find out more about any potential causes.
Can Hair Loss Always Be Treated?
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair falling out in clumps.
This specific type of hair loss can be quite challenging to treat but it’s not impossible. Medications and topical treatments are available. With consistent use, it is possible for the hair to grow back again. You will need to discuss these treatments with a doctor or dermatologist.
If these treatment options are unsuccessful, there is always the option of wearing a wig. Wigs are not what they used to be. Today, high-quality wigs that are made with real human hair look and feel natural and there are many salons that stock them.
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