10 Hair Care Myths Debunked by EH Hair Stylists

There are almost countless hair care myths that we are all guilty of sharing with others. The good news is that with knowledge and science we are able to debunk most of these myths, to ensure that our lovely locks receive the right type of treatment needed.
What are some of the hair care myths that you’ve heard for years? We’ve gathered a list of 10 to help you better understand the right type of care that your tresses need.
Myth 1. Hair should be brushed 100 strokes a day
Many a little girl was raised being told that she needed to brush out her hair with 100 strokes of her brush each and every day. The truth is that over brushing your hair can actually lead to damage. All hair, particularly hair that is thin and weak, can break with excessive brushing.
There is some benefit to be found with gentle brushing to stimulate circulation in the scalp and also help to evenly distribute the hair’s natural oils from the roots to the tips, which nourishes and hydrates the hair. We recommend using a boar bristle brush, as its bristles are most similar to human hair and will naturally condition the hair for shine and volume.
Myth 2. Trimming your hair often can make it grow faster
On average, hair grows a quarter inch a month. Trimming your hair won’t accelerate natural growth. However, getting a trim every six to eight weeks can help to keep split ends at bay, which will help to keep your looking and feeling healthy.
Myth 3. Hair care myths about split ends
There are a number of myths surrounding split ends, with the main one often relating to some products being able to repair them. While there are some products that can bond the split hairs for a smoother look, it’s not a repair or fix for the split hairs.
The best way to handle split ends is to trim them off and ensure you’re using nourishing hair care products to prevent and reduce split ends in future.
Myth 4. Plucking out one grey hair will result in two more growing in
This myth is actually very much incorrect. Plucking hairs out can actually lead to damage to the follicle itself. This can, in turn, stunt or hinder hair growth. It’s also impossible for multiple hairs of any colour to grow in one hair follicle.
Cover greys with dye or perhaps consider hair extensions to camouflage them.
Myth 5. Colouring hair leads to extensive damage
This may have been the case in years past. However, today’s professional grade hair colour products are designed to be easy on your hair. Some at-home products designed to bleach your hair can be very harsh and may fry your hair. This should not happen if you get your hair bleached and dyed in a salon that will be able to use the right types of products on your hair. It’s also a great idea to incorporate a reparative treatment alongside your service to strengthen and protect your hair during the colouring process.
Myth 6. Dry shampoo is better than regular shampoo
Dry shampoo can help you out in a pinch when you simply don’t have the time to wash your hair. It isn’t, however, a replacement for using warm water, shampoo and conditioner. Dry shampoo doesn’t shampoo or cleanse your hair. It simply absorbs excess oil from your hair and adds a fresh scent.
It’s great to save time when needed, but keeping your hair healthy and clean is only possible with regular shampoo.
Myth 7. Very fine hair doesn’t need to be conditioned
There was once some thought that conditioning fine hair would lead to it looking and feeling too greasy. The truth is that fine hair still needs to be conditioned and hydrated in order to stay healthy. Look for volumising conditioners that will hydrate and nourish your scalp.
Myth 8. Oily hair doesn’t need to be conditioned
Oily hair is caused by an excess of oils in the scalp. Failing to condition your hair will leave the ends looking and feeling dry. Focus on haircare products that will treat your scalp and your hair. Clarifying conditioners applied to the middle and ends of your hair will keep your hair silky soft.
Myth 9. Air drying is better than blow drying
There are pros and cons to both air and blow drying your hair, however damp hair is much more likely to break or tear. Rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel can also lead to an increase in brittleness and breakage. A blow dryer, on a lower heat setting, can oftentimes prove to be the healthier option for the health of your hair.
Myth 10. Frequent washing can lead to hair loss
Frequent washing may dry out your hair, but it should not result in hair loss. Hair loss is typically caused by a number of other concerns, some of which may be genetic. If you are losing your hair, it’s best to consult with a doctor who can evaluate your overall health and the health of your scalp.
Knowing hair care truths is the best way for you to take care of your hair and ensure that it looks and feels its best.
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