Is Longer Hair Sexier?

Long hair, short hair or perhaps a mid-length bob. The length of your hair can inspire countless new and interesting hairstyles. It can also have a direct impact on the way that you feel. Are you single and ready to start meeting new people? Then you may be wondering if it’s time to refresh your look. Perhaps by adding extensions to give your current cut a bit of extra length?
Do men prefer longer hair? Is it worth investing in extensions to get the longer length that you want, while your hair grows out naturally?
A Youthful Fresh Look
Some women definitely can take years off of their face by cutting their hair shorter. Most however find that having long flowing locks can give them a much more youthful and fresher look. Loving the way that you look in the mirror is certain to instil more confidence. A strong sense of confidence will definitely prove to be more attractive to the opposite sex.
Considered A Symbol of Femininity
There are a number of factors that can contribute towards a definition of femininity. For some women and men alike, longer flowing hair can be considered to be the ultimate feminine feature. It is for this reason that so many women opt for growing their hair out or adding extensions for their wedding day. On their most magical and special of days, those longer and beautifully styled locks can help to define the ultimate in elegant and feminine looks.
Whether left long and straight, or cascading curls framing your delicate features, you are sure to feel your feminine best with the long hair that makes you look and feel your very best.
Confidence Is Attractive
At the end of the day it is less about what appeals to those around you. Being confident about the way that you look can go a long way towards boosting your overall appeal to those around you. This is true whether you have naturally longer hair or rely on hair extensions to get that lovely length. Everyone loves a confident and happy woman who knows just how great she looks.
Confidence and strong self-confidence is simply attractive. You’ll find that feeling great about how you look, even with something as seemingly trivial as longer hair, can have a positive impact on many aspects of your life. Think about the confidence you will feel going on an interview, or perhaps on a first date. Your glowing confidence combined with your long lush locks will simply shine through.
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