How Many Hair Extensions Will I Need For A Beautiful Style?

A lot of people think it is simple to choose hair extensions. You pick the colour and the type you want and that is all you need to do, right? Sure, it is important to choose a shade that will suit your natural hair, as well as look at the quality of hair extensions when you are making your choice. But, you also have to consider how many hair extensions do you need for the style you are looking to create. If you have never had hair extensions before, this is a difficult question and even some people who think they know the answer are still not getting it right.
Of course, everyone’s hair is different, which means the number of hair extensions that you will need varies from person to person. That is why salons have to use different techniques in order to calculate the coverage that you will need. There are also ways you can try to calculate your coverage yourself and that is exactly what we want to help you with today! Whether you are looking to wear hair extensions for the first time or you are experienced and want to make sure you are doing it right, read on to find out how many hair extensions you will need.
The Industry Standard
Let’s have a look at what the industry says is the norm. For a quarter head of hair extensions, we are looking at around 25 grams of bonded hair, with two or three rows. This means that a half head is approximately 50 grams in three or four rows and a three quarter head will be about 75 grams with five or six rows. If you are looking for a full head of hair extensions or extra full head, this will be around 100-125 grams of bonds in seven or eight rows.
This will give you an idea of the standards you can expect so that you can compare the prices of hair extensions in salons. Some places will even take into account the length added or weight of the hair, as well as the rows that are applied to come to a conclusion on coverage. So, let’s have a look at these in some detail so you can make an informed choice when it comes to hair extensions and to make sure you get what you are paying for.
Every salon is different and you will find that some say that creating only a few inches in the length of your hair will be a full head and they won’t even take into account how many bonds will be applied.
When it comes to the weight of hair that is applied, it gets complicated. Hair extensions will range from different weights depending on the length and even ethnicity of the hair itself. For example, you will find that Indian hair will weigh more than European hair, as well as a longer hair extension being heavier than a shorter one. In other words, it is very difficult to know where to begin when it comes to weight unless you have experience in the area or the salon.
Again, every salon can differ when it comes to rows of hair extensions and you will find that some places think that six rows is for a full head. Yet, depending on the density of your hair, some people will require less than six rows for coverage, such as those with fine or thin hair. Alternatively, in some cases six rows will be a three quarter head for people with average or thick hair.
So, How Many Hair Extensions You Will Need?
When you are choosing the number of hair extensions, you really have to think about what style you are looking to achieve, as well as the length and density of your natural hair.
To start with, you have to consider hair density to find out how many hair extensions you need. By this we are talking about how much hair that you have, rather than the thickness of strands of hair. For example, you can have thick hair but not very much of it, this means you will have fine to average hair density. You can find out your hair density by paying attention to how long it takes to dry after washing it, as well as what it looks like when it is styled.
Thin to fine hair will normally take a minute or two to dry with a hairdryer. Plus, when hair is tied back, the ponytail will appear very sparse and thin. For fine to average density hair, it can take about three or four minutes to dry when it has been wet and while the ponytail appears fuller than very thin hair, it is still not as thick as you would like it. For average to thick hair, you can take five minutes to blast it dry after a shower. Plus, the ponytail will be weighty and how you would imagine it should look like. In comparison, very thick hair can take as long as 10 minutes to dry after being washed. In addition, when you tie back your hair, your ponytail will be thick and heavy looking.
Next, you have got to think about the length of your hair. If you would class yourself as having very short hair, you will need at least a full head of hair extensions. This will be the case if you have thin or fine hair, as well as average and thick hair. This is because there is a need for more hair extensions so that it can blend in with short hair. Otherwise, you end up with an uneven and unnatural look where people can see where the shortest layer is.
If you have just past shoulder length hair, a different number of hair extensions will be needed depending on its thickness. To create a length of up to 12 inches, you will need between 75 to 100 grams of hair extensions for thin or fine hair. If you are looking for extra volume, think about getting 100 to 150 grams. For fine to medium hair, 100 to 125 grams of hair extensions will do the job, with medium to thick hair looking at around 125 to 175 grams. If you have very thick hair, around 150 to 200 grams will be necessary for adding up to 12 inches in length.
If you are going for the long and luscious look with up to 16 inches in length, again the number of extensions you need will vary depending on the thickness of your natural hair. If you have thin and fine hair, look for around 100 grams of hair extensions and if you have fine to average hair, choose between 100 to 150 for adding length. When you have average to thick hair and want to enjoy a style that is past shoulder length, choose 125 to 175 grams of hair extensions. If you have very thick hair, you will need about 175 to 200 grams for achieving a length of 16 inches.
As extension experts since 2007, EH Hair Extensions can supply you with the right number that you need for a beautiful and natural style. We specialise in providing high quality hair extensions that are 100 percent Remy and available in a variety of leading application methods to suit everyone. So, why not have a browse through our collection today and choose the right number of hair extensions that you need for your hair?
Take our simple quiz HERE to find out how many you might need!
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